LEGION Model Builder Help


A Service represents a particular Train system, for example:

  • London-to-Birmingham – Platform 1 – Virgin Trains
  • London-to-Birmingham – Platform 1 – West Midlands Trains
    Note: A Service can associate with only a single Platform, while a Platform can accommodate several Services.

When the ‘Service’ button on the Objects toolbar is clicked, a dialog opens for defining new Services, or editing existing ones. In a Service's ‘Parameters’ tab, associate a Train with the Service. Choose whether to populate alighters near Train doors, or randomly throughout the Carriages.

  • When ‘Populate alighters near the doors’ is off, alighters are populated randomly throughout the Train interior. Alighting may be impeded by passengers staying on the Train.
  • When on, alighters are populated so they are the nearest passengers to the doors, enabling a less impeded alighting behaviour.
With the ‘Train Interior Modelling’ option, boarders and stayers of a Service can be simulated mesoscopically. Train and Carriage capacities will still be respected by boarding entities. This is useful to simulate trains that run at very high pedestrian densities, such as peak time services, as it allows entities to board beyond densities normally achievable with LEGION Simulator. Tick the ‘Use virtual Train interiors for this service’ box to use this option.
Tip: Trains for regular (non-virtual) Services are drawn in cyan. Trains for virtual Services are drawn in dark blue.

The ‘Timetable’ tab is designed to define arrival time, number of alighters, number of stayers, and the Effective Door Open Time (EDOT), in seconds. When entering alighters' properties (by double-clicking in the cell in the ‘Alighters’ column), the Service instance properties window opens for specifying Entity/Supply Type, Population (number of entities), Passenger distribution and passengers' Final Destinations. Stayers' cells are similar, though without Final Destinations.

To modify EDOT of multiple arrival simultaneously, select the rows for time to be changed. Standard <CTRL> and <SHIFT> multi-selection methods apply. The button ‘Set EDOT for selected rows’ will be enabled.

Click the button and enter the EDOT (in seconds) to assign to all selected arrivals:

The EDOT value entered must be less than 24 hours (86400 seconds). The OK button is enabled when EDOT is valid.
Note: Timetable EDOT can be zero. This is a QA warning, since zero EDOT may be desirable (e.g., simulating response to perturbations).